Stop at Dune 45 before you head on towards Sossusvlei and Dead Vlei in the Namib Naukluft National Park. This dune is very famous and you will see many cars and trucks parked in front of it. Bring some packed breakfast and make your way up the 300m high sand dune early in the morning.
A hike up on Dune 45 belongs to every Namib Desert trip. Clamber onto this orange glowing dune in the morning and watch an amazing sunrise from the top of this sandy hill in Namibia!
Sossusvlei in the Namib Naukluft National Park in south/central Namibia boasts the highest and oldest sand dunes in the world! Here, you can even find trees that were watered during a flood some years ago. Believe it or not, sometimes where is even water in the desert.
The name Sossusvlei has its origin in the Afrikaans language. "Vlei" stands for "marsh", and "sossus" describes a "place of no return". Be brave and move forward. An amazing world of sand, clay and life in the desert is waiting for you!
There is also another place near Sossusvlei deep within the Namib Desert. It is the exact opposite: Dead Vlei. This area is completely dry and hasn't seen a drop of water for ages. Stunning views of black dead trees on white clay soil will be revealed to you. Next to it, orange sand dunes are rising 300 metres high up in the air.
The trees in Dead Vlei are more than 900 years - don't lean on them, otherwise you might get some splinters. This amazing sight in Namibia is an absolute must-see for every Namib Desert visitor and of course it's a brilliant photo motive.
The Sesriem Canyon is situated in the Naukluft Mountains in the Namib Naukluft National Park and is almost invisible from far away. When you get closer, you can see a sharp edge and drop. This canyon has been carved by the Tsauchab River.
The riverbed of the Tsauchab is normally dry, but fills up after occasional heavy rains in the Naukluft Mountains. Sesriem Canyon is not very big. It is about 1km (0,6 miles) long and up to 30 meter (100 foot) deep. You can explore the Canyon and its geology during a short hike.