Game Viewing at Anderssons at Ongava

Fantastic photo and game viewing opportunities occur on a Namibia safari at the waterholes and springs near the Etosha Pan, where many animals come to drink.

Guests at Andersson’s Camp can enjoy an Etosha National Park safari as well as walks and night drives in the game rich Ongava Game Reserve. Prolific birdlife around camp and game at the waterhole provide excellent opportunities to observe wildlife at close range.

On an Etosha National Park safari or in Ongava Game Reserve guests can seen abundant game including Elephant, Lion and rare Black and White Rhino. These creatures and many others manage to survive in the harsh landscape, moving between water and food sources. Other animals that can be seen include Springbok, Giraffe, Gemsbok, Brown Hyena, Wildebeest, Zebra, Eland and endemic Black Faced Impala which is endangered.

Leopard may also be seen although sightings are less common due to their reclusive habits. Birdwatchers will find over 340 species around camp including 10 of the 14 endemic birds in Namibia. Birders can spot the miniature Pygmy Falcon, Crimson-breasted Shrike, Violet Wood-Hoopoe, Short-toed Rock Thrush and many others as well as sought after varieties in the Etosha National Park.


  • Shady swimming pool for refreshing dips
  • Game drives in open safari vehicles
  • Choice of morning drives into Etosha National Park
  • Walks and night drives in Ongava Game Reserve

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