Position of Ichingo Chobe River Lodge on Impalila Island

The Ichingo Chobe River Lodge is located on Impalila Island in an area that is famous for its large Elephant and Buffalo herds.

At the place where the Chobe and Zambezi Rivers join is the island of Impalila in north-eastern Namibia. Ichingo Chobe River Lodge is located on Impalila Island, where the borders of 4 countries: Namibia, Botswana, Zambia and Zimbabwe, meet. 

The Ichingo Chobe River Lodge was the first lodge to be established on Impalila Island. The word 'ichingo' means spearhead, due to the triangular shape of Impalila Island and its frontal position at the very end of the floodplain where the Chobe and Zambezi Rivers meet.

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