Location of Hatari Lodge, Arusha

Hatari Lodge is situated in the Arusha National Park and is surrounded with history millions of years old. Guests have views of Mount Kilimanjaro, Mount Meru and the Ngurdoto Crater.

This Tanzania game lodge in Arusha is located on the edge of Arusha National Park in Tanzania and is overlooking the world famous Mount Kilimanjaro and its neighbouring dormant volcano, Mount Meru. Arusha National Park is part of the eastern Great Rift Valley, which was formed 20 million years ago.

The last eruption occurred in 1879 and the lava on the northwestern side of the inner cone bears witness to this last activity. Apart from a few fumaroles emitting hot steam, today's Mount Meru is a dormant volcano with impressive and unique scenery for both nature lovers and mountain climbers to enjoy at their leisure.

Arusha National Park

The park's greatest attractions are its spectacular landscapes and the rich flora. There are 3 areas of amazing biodiversity. The highlight is Mount Meru, a dormant volcano in the western part of the park. At 4,566 metres high, it ranks as Tanzania's second highest, and it is Africa's fourth highest mountain. Its steep crater serves as the western border of the park.

The second area, comprising the 7 alkaline Momella Lakes, lies at an altitude of approximately 1,500 metres. This area is located to the east of the main public road, which traverses the park from Usa River to Ngare Nanyuki. This swampy area is home to an extraordinary abundance of bird life.

Lastly, the third region includes the wooded south-eastern part of the park, and stretches from the Lokie Swamp to the impressive Ngurdoto Crater. Its peaceful mystical caldera and steep crater walls are home to a large variety of wildlife.

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