Explore Victoria Falls, the Smoke that Thunders

Victoria Falls on the border of Zimbabwe and Zambia is one of Africa's most iconic destinations and one you do not want to miss when planning your African adventure.

The incredibly loud roar of the Zambezi River as it rushes over the cliffs to form the Victoria Falls is guaranteed to take your breath away. The falls are nicknamed Mosi-oa-Tunya; which means 'The smoke that thunders', by the locals, due to the billowing clouds of mist that rise up and drench everything and everyone in its reach when the river is in flood.

Sheer Size of The Falls

Stretching across 1 708 metres with a height of 108 metres the falls are the world's largest uninterrupted sheet of falling water with between 20 000 to 500 000 cubic metres of water falling per minute into the Batoka Gorge below.

The falls are approximately twice the height of the Niagra Falls in North America and twice the width of Horseshoe Falls and their height and width are only rivalled by the Iguazu Falls in South America.

A World Heritage Site

Located on the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe, the Victoria Falls are a UNESCO World Heritage Site and are actually made up of 7 different waterfalls. There are two islands at the top of the falls; named Boaruka Island and Livingstone Island that are large enough to cause the water to divide and part.

The spray from the falls can be seen over 20 metres away and is responsible for sustaining the tropical 'rainforest' that is found opposite the falls.

Zimbabwe and Zambia

On the Zimbabwe side of Victoria Falls visitors can explore the series of paths that twist and wind in and out of the surrounding rainforest where extensive views of the main falls can be seen from numerous vantage points.

On the Zambian side of Victoria Falls, the Knife-Edge bridge allows visitors to walk incredibly close to the cascading falls while a footpath leads you steeply down to the Boiling Pot whirlpool below.


During your time the area visitors can access both sides of the falls with relative ease as well as enjoy a number of different activities including wildlife viewing safaris, Elephant back safaris, sunset boat cruises and scenic flights over the falls.

Adrenalin seekers can take their pick of activities including white water rafting, abseiling and bungee jumping. A truly African landscape, the area surrounding the falls is astonishingly beautiful with a wide variety of endemic plants, a massive array of wildlife and multitude of bird species all found in close proximity.

Rich in culture and history the Victorian Falls take their name from the explorer and missionary; David Livingstone. David Livingstone was the first European to view the falls in 1855 and named them after the British queen at the time; Queen Victoria.

Victoria Falls National Park

Victoria Falls National Park is a 2300ha (5680 acre) protected area that includes the town of Victoria Falls, the rain forest and the riveri...more

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