Zambia was the so called birth place of modern walking safaris over 50 years ago, and the untouched bush of the South Luangwa is still one of the best places to experience one. This is the perfect trip for the safari travellers who've seen it all. The camps of the South Luangwa offer those with an adventurous spirit an authentic bush experience like no other.
One of the greatest assets is that is its remoteness. The infrastructure is less developed and visitors can escape the hoards of tourists found in Africa's other great wildlife destinations such as Chobe and the Kruger National Park. This is the ideal safari if you are looking to get away from the crowds.
Walking safaris allow you to properly experience the bush. Yes, you can see the animals from a safari vehicle but nothing beats feeling your pulse increase as you crouch behind a termite mound and try to avoid the deep golden eyes of a Lion lying 50 meters away, or walking in the round, dappled footprints of an Elephant.
This is a truly memorable experience where you can engage all of your senses and actively participate in the safari experience. Touch the plants, pick up the pod of a Sausage Tree and feel how heavy it is. Smell the pungent scents of aromatic plants as you brush past. Let the guide teach you to identify the different calls of animals such as the alarm call of Impala or the different calls of birds.
The experience is not just about the regions big game, but provides the opportunity to discover the regions smallest creatures. Spend some time watching a Dung beetle struggling with a ball of dung twice his size or let the guide tell you about the complex inner workings of the huge malformed termite mounds which stud the landscape.
Learn to identify spoor, deduce what direction the animals was travelling in and how long ago it passed through. Intrepidly follow the tracks accompanied by an armed scout and an experienced guide. Learn to keep dead still each of your muscles straining as a herd of Elephant passes within meters or you stare into the deep golden eyes of a Lion.
After a morning of exciting encounters with the local denizens, stop off under the dappled shade of an Ebony tree and sip on a refreshing cup of tea or a refreshing cool drink. The walks generally take place in the cool hours of the early morning before it gets hot and the late afternoon. This is when the animals are the most active and you are likely to see more.
These walking safaris take place from rustic bush camps deep in the heart of the wilderness. There are a number of different lodges offering different levels of comfort. Have a look at our exciting Walking Safari Package or choose to stay at one of the lodges below which offer walking safaris.