Getting to Royal Chundu Zambezi River Lodge

Royal Chundu Zambezi River Lodge has an enviable position on the Zambezi River occupying an exclusive and pristine stretch of the riverside, which is about 30 minutes drive from Victoria Falls.

The private waterfront at Royal Chundu is created by its position between 2 sets of rapids 15km (9 miles) apart along the Zambezi River. Guests enjoy unspoilt surroundings in a secluded setting. There are daily flight connections from Johannesburg to Livingstone International Airport and intermittent flights from Nelspruit and Cape Town to Livingstone.

Directions to Royal Chundu Zambezi River Lodge, Livingstone, Zambia

By Air

The closest airport to Royal Chundu Lodge is Livingstone International Airport. There are a variety of commercial flight connections from airports in South Africa. For something unique you could arrange a vintage Rolls Royce transfer from Livingstone airport to Royal Chundu Zambezi Lodge.

By Road

Royal Chundu is located 60km (37 miles) upstream from the Victoria Falls and 50km (31 miles) from Livingstone Internatio

nal Airport.

From Kazangula
Turn right to go to Livingstone and continue for about 10km (6 miles) were you will see the Royal Chundu board on the right side of the road
Turn right and follow the boards to the lodge for 11km (7 miles)

From Livingstone
Take the road to Katima Mulilo (Nakatindi Road) continue for about 50km (31 miles) and the Royal Chundu board will be on you left hand side of the road
Turn left and follow the boards for 11km (7 miles) to the lodge

From Victoria Falls border post
Drive into Livingstone town (about 8km / 5 miles) on the Mosi-oa-Tunya Road, opposite the Shoprite mall, Nakatindi Road goes out to your left. Take that road for about 50km (31 miles) and you will see the Royal Chundu board on your left
Turn left and follow the boards for 11km (7 miles) to the lodge

GPS Co-Ordinates

17:50:39.4800 S
25:23:24.3600 E

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