Be prepared to wade out to the boat that takes you to Dugong Lodge. Depending on the tide you will want to be wearing shorts, or you will have to roll up your jeans.
What better way to get a feel of tropical beach living ?
This relaxing Mozambique beach lodge is situated on 30 000 hectares of pristine marine and wildlife territory. Guests at Dugong Beach Lodge can experience the diverse eco system, ranging from the sandy white beaches to the crystal clear waters of the Indian Ocean.
Guests staying at this luxury Mozambique lodge can enjoy breathtaking views across the beautiful ocean. The shallow and deep water reefs are ideal to search for Green and Leatherback Turtle, Manta Ray and Sailfish.
Avid fishermen will be delighted with the idyllic fishing conditions. Deep sea game fish include Marlin and Barracuda. Guests can also enjoy the flocks of pelican and flamingos that call Dugong home.