Safari Activities at Luwi Bush Camp

Activities at Luwi Bush Camp include day and night game drives and outstanding walking safaris conducted by professional guides.

The South Luangwa National Park is home to Elephant, Buffalo and Lion. There are also regular sightings of various Antelope, Giraffe, Zebra, Puku, Bushbuck, Warthog and Baboons as well as pods of Hippo in the river for a rewarding Zambia tour.

Game Drives

Game viewing activities are tailored to the guests in camp at the time but usually small parties are taken into the park twice daily in open vehicles. Night drives with a spotlight are one of the highlights of the Luangwa Valley giving the chance to see nocturnal animals such as Hyena, Porcupine, Civet, Genet, Honeybadger and particularly Leopard for which the area is now famous.

Walking Safaris

Walking safaris from camp are not strenuous and are conducted at a good pace. The walks usually last 3 to 4 hours during this Zambia tour. Walks are led by a fully qualified guide and armed game scout.

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